After a very busy July, full of Masterclasses, well deserved rest in August!! Now back to work
-Masterclass on French Songs, Festival VINO VOCE
-Opera-Bastille , The Case Makropulos, conducted by Susanna Mälkki, with Karita Mattila
- Stuttgart Opera new production of Jenufa by Calixto Bieito
-Jury at the International Competition Concours Nadia et Lili Boulanger, in Paris
-Masterclasses in Vanderbilt University in Nashville, New York, and McGill University in Montreal.
-Masterclass of Bel Canto, at the Arcal, compagnie nationale de théâtre lyrique et musical in Paris.
-Academie de l’Opéra national de Paris Concert at the Palais-Garnier
-Opéra de Nice new production of Rusalka, conducted by Elena Schwarz
-The Israeli Opera Tel-Aviv Rusalka, fantastic production of Stefano Poda , conducted by Dan Ettinger
And,of course, my beloved students at the Ecole normale de musique de Paris Alfred Cortot, in Paris
To be continued….